My Story

Hi! I’m Lori.

I am one of many Wise Women walking on this earth.

I survived a traumatic childhood and learned to leverage the power of self-reflection to redefine my core beliefs and chart my own course.

Lady Luck smiled on me in my 40s, and I became a national award-winning successful entrepreneur who mentored hundreds of employees and thousands of customers.

After failing retirement in my 50s, I escaped my second unsatisfying marriage by moving to Africa and founding a charity. We helped over 100,000 highly marginalized people through initiatives in Water, Hygiene and Sanitation, Functional Adult Literacy, Reproductive Health, Women Empowerment, Environment, and Orphans and Vulnerable Children.

I met and married the “love of my life” online in my 60s, and now, in my 70s, I have the time and mind-space to identify patterns and extract lessons from my wild and unusual life.

The Magic of Yes is a common-sense guidebook that shares lessons extracted from my journey.

Sticky Thoughts shares motivating stories extracted from the lives of extraordinary, ordinary women who overcame adversity to discover a sense of peace in their own skins.

“Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.”

Anaïs Nin

What People Say About Lori

Click Here to Listen to a 49 second live review of Magic of Yes given by

Gemma Serenity Gorokhoff of Real Talk - Real Women

  • “…[this book] is for everybody. Because we all have a feminine and a masculine energy within us. So really tapping into this wise woman within, it’s an energy. It’s a power. It’s a spiritual awareness that becomes a mindset. “

    — Gemma Serenity Gorokhoff

  • “I have been impressed with Lori for years —this early tech entrepreneur turned traveler turned philanthropist— and my respect only continues to grow as I have learned more about her story and her resilience, as well as the supportive community of amazing women she has around her.”

    — Megan Tarnow, financial consultant

  • “Lori’s leadership, nudging, nurturing, and guidance was transformative.”

    — Theresa Santiago, wise woman

  • In The Magic of Yes, Lori calls up a visceral spark that enlightens our path of reflection. Her insight and words strengthen our walk and song.

    —Kim Winter, Artist, Poet

  • “Lori ignited my self-confidence and courage to think critically and achieve amazing financial success.”

    —Patty Marascuilo, sales executive

  • “This powerful book reveals how saying ‘YES’ to challenge and change can catalyze extraordinary personal growth. Drawing from her remarkable journey, Pappas provides a practical roadmap for transformation that will resonate with anyone who has ever faced failure and wondered ‘what next?’”

    —Joe Cipher, Author Outsmart the Learning Curve, entrepreneur, product and marketing Executive, mentor

  • “Lori was the best mentor anyone could ask for.”

    —Jill Welle, sales executive

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